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My favourite workouts

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Many of you ask me about workouts, which one is the best, which one you should follow to get fit and look good.

As you can imagine each workout is focused on different goals so its almost impossible to answer your questions on one go. I decided to share only those programmes I used myself and been very happy with during my fitness life. I am not a training programme creator, I never wrote any of them, I've just been lucky enough to my couches in a past and mainly I am thankful to my dad, who trained and coached me during my judo career and explained me the basic principles of any training.

All of those programmes I will share with you today are for strength and hypertrophy and definitely are suitable for women too! Ladies, don't worry about lifting heavy, you'll never be bulky (unless you use steroids)

All of those training programmes were written by great athletes or coaches and you can easily find them on google. I would suggest to stick with any of them for at least 6 weeks and progressively overload almost every week. Most of them are very boring, but who said its a fun to get results?

To get results and look good is not just about workout but also recovery time and diet ( meaning not being hungry but actually eat well)

I would also recommend to modify or change some of the exercises if they are not suitable for you for whatever reason - if you have a limited shoulder mobility, why would you do overhead press with a bar behind your neck? Or if you exercise bench press, but next day you feel your shoulders or arms more , then try chest fly instead. Everyone is different, has different size of limbs, mobility, age or preferences so doesn't make any sense to torture yourself in a gym just because your friend is keen on to do squats but your back hurts during them.

As I said previously, all of those programmes I recommend are based on my own experience and honestly never get insured because of them. Results in my case can be sometimes discutable as you know have my cakes and chocolate periods, but to be honest can blame only myself and not pointing on the programmes, haha.


Day one: - squat 6sets/ 6reps

- bench press 5sets/5reps

- deadlift 5sets/5reps

Day two; rest

Day three: - deadlift 6sets/6reps

- squat 5sets/5reps

- bench press 5sets/5reps

Day four: rest

Day five: - bench press 6sets/6reps

- deadlift 5sets/5reps

- squat 5sets/5reps

Day six, seven: rest

You should add weight on each first exercise of the day every new week to make a progress. So start with lighter to be able add weight for all 6 weeks. Again, if you cannot do bench press for example try incline dumbbells ( I do military press instead) .

Bear Routine

Day 1

deadlift - 2set/5reps (70%max) 15sets/5reps (60%max)

military press - 2sets/5reps (70%max) 12sets/5reps (60%max)

leg curls 4sets/10reps

abs (any exercise) 4sets/max reps

Day 2 - rest

Day 3

bench press - 2sets/5reps (70%max) 15sets/5reps (60%max)

pull ups - 12sets/max reps

calf rises 4sets/max reps

biceps curl 4sets/10reps

Day 4 - rest

Day 5

squats - 2sets/5reps (70%max) 15sets/5reps (60%max)

bend over row - 2sets/5reps (70%max) 12sets/5reps (60%max)

overhead two arm triceps extension 4sets/10reps

shoulder raises 4sets/10reps

abs (any exercise) 4sets/max reps


Each workout has only 5 exercises of 1 set. this set is done till total fatigue with rest pauses. For example you do biceps curl with a weight for 10 reps, once is done you rest for 10-15 seconds then do another 6-7 , rest again, then 4 and rest again....... you should keep going till total fatigue that you are not able to do a single repetition. after that you will stretch that particular muscle you worked on for 2 minutes and then do other exercise with the same routine. To be honest this programme stands for its name. For each muscle group find 3 exercises which you'll be rotate every week ( biceps - biceps curl bar/ biceps curl dumbbell/ biceps curl on scott bench for example)

Here are just the muscles/muscle group which should be done as exercises depends on what suit you more. For example if you cannot do leg curls for whatever reason, do lounges instead. it doesn't really matter what exercise you will do, just keep the muscle group below and the principal of total fatigue

Day 1




back deep ( bend over row/deadlift for example)

back wide ( lat pull down)

Day 2 rest

Day 3






day 4 rest

day 5




back deep

back wide

(use second exercise for all of them)

day 6 rest

day 7






( use second exercise for all of them)

day 8 rest

day 9




back deep

back wide

( use third exercise for all of them)

day 10 rest

day 11






(use third exercise for all of them)

There are so many variations of those workouts online, I just wanted to introduce those I've been using for ages. Let me know, if you'll try any of those and what do you think about them.

I found them pretty simple, sometimes boring (Bear routine) sometimes disgusting (Doggcrapp especially) but all of them keep me happy and injury free.

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